Many types of seafood are considered delicacies worldwide, from caviar in the West to blowfish in the East. Of course, these are on the pricier end of the seafood list, and for many people, eating fish once or even twice a week is part of their regular routine.
However, as is the way with most foods, there are some types that you should not eat or that you should avoid. This is not only for health-based reasons but, due to other issues with fish populations and the natural contaminants that can come with consuming certain types of fish.
So, if you are eager to learn more about the kinds of seafood you need to avoid, read on as here, the top 18 seafood meals or types of fish you should think twice about will be explored. Don’t worry; the reasons will also be looked at and, for most people, you would be unlikely to eat these fish unless you were going on holiday!
Chilean Sea Bass Fillet

This is a fish that you are more than likely to find in a high-end restaurant in the US. However, as you may have gathered, it should be avoided. Many fisheries have begun to farm Chilean sea bass but, the majority of these fish are still caught wild and, just like bluefin tuna, this sea bass has a late maturity, as well as slow reproductive rates.
What is worse, the methods used to catch these fish can be extremely bad for the environment. They involve bottom-trailing and long-lining, which damage the ocean floor and often result in the capture of other fish and marine life.
Bluefin Tuna Sashimi or Sushi

According to food site Rokaakor, bluefin tuna sashimi and/ or sushi are rising in demand in the West. However, this has led to overfishing of the bluefin tuna, which is now experiencing a massive decline in its population. The issue is that bluefin tuna have a slow reproduction rate and also have late maturity compared to other fish.
This means that when it comes to overfishing, the populations cannot recover quickly. Also, as an added side note, bluefin tuna is high in mercury, so it’s best avoided anyway!
Orange Roughy Fillet

According to the Food and Drugs Administration, or the FDA, orange roughy filler should not be consumed by humans, as it has one of the highest mercury levels of any fish. Add that to the fact that it is also not considered sustainable due to the fish’s late reproductive age, and it becomes a fishy dish that you should avoid at all costs. Also, it tastes like much more common fish, which are more sustainable, so it seems like a lot of hassle for a bland-tasting fish!
Shark Fin Soup

The brutal treatment of sharks in the East has led to this dish being frowned upon by many. As it typically uses sharks like the blue shark, dusky shark, porbeagle shark, silky shark and the longfin mako shark, all of these shark populations are dropping off.
Plus, from an ethical standpoint, it’s just cruel and barbaric. So, if you are traveling to the East, don’t eat this soup. Also, sharks are pretty high in mercury, but the brutality is the main reason why you shouldn’t eat this!
Swordfish Steak

Yes, swordfish are a cool looking fish but when it comes to actually eating them, this is something that is best avoided.
As is the way with other fish on this list, swordfish are very high in mercury and are often caught using unsustainable fishing methods, like trailing and line fishing, which endanger other marine life. So, best leave the fish with the weapon on its face off of your menu!
King Mackerel

Yes, it has a king in its name but, if you are eating with pregnant women or young children, this is a fish that they (and you) should probably avoid.
Again, it is very high in mercury, to the level where many health professionals will actively advise children and pregnant women from consuming it, and, again, the practices that surround this fish being captured are not sustainable, or great for other marine life. So, while it sounds like a cool fish to eat, best to leave it off of your plate!
Tilefish Fillet

This fish is a delicacy, and is considered to have a similar culinary texture and flakiness to both crab and lobster. However, it is another fish that you should leave off of your plate. Even though it is commonly consumed in Mexico and the southern USA, it is known to have higher levels of mercury.
This is more so if it has been fished from the Gulf of Mexico. So, much like the King Mackerel, for women who are pregnant and have young children, this is a fish that needs to be avoided.
Grouper Sandwich

The origins of this world-famous sandwich can be traced to the Gulf coast, where fishermen would usually accidentally catch the fish, fry it up when they got back to shore and then serve it in between two slices of bread.
However, in 2024, the grouper sandwich has been found to have high levels of mercury and, those fishermen who once caught it have now upped their fishing game to catch the sought-after fish, by using trawling methods. So, catching it is not sustainable and, according to some consumers, it doesn’t taste like fish.
Marlin Steak

Marlin steaks are so high in mercury that even adults are only recommended to consume them once or twice per month! So, if you have children or are pregnant, you should avoid this fish that is often used in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. As well as that, marlin in general is another fish that has a long reproductive cycle and has been overfished, meaning that its populations have suffered.
Atlantic Cod

Have you ever been to the UK and wanted to get fish and chips? It’s a common British pastime but, when you look at the prices of cod and chips, there is a reason why it is so high. Cod populations are dwindling and it is due, again, to overfishing and issues with late reproduction. So, if you can, try to choose a chippy that uses sustainable fishing practices but, be aware that the cod is still probably going to be expensive!
Atlantic Halibut Fillet

This flatfish is another culinary favorite for many people in the US but, again, this has led to it being overfished and its populations dropping. This fish takes a long time to mature and has a small reproductive window, meaning that populations of the halibut are slow to recover from overfishing. So, best avoided when it comes to fish dinners!
Imported Shrimp Cocktail

OK, so one issue that can occur with shrimp is that they are both farmed and caught wild, with neither practice being good for the planet.
Shrimp are also extremely sensitive to their surroundings and, due to the high rates of pollution in the sea water that they live in, this can lead to contamination issues when they get to your plate.
Farmed Salmon

Yep, farmed salmon is not ideal for your dinner plate, as many salmon farms keep these fish in habitats that are disease ridden and dirty. This ups the chance of food poisoning, as well as cross contamination.

Monkfish are typically found living at the bottom of the ocean, which means that in order to catch them, fishermen have to use destructive trawling methods. As mentioned before, that is not great for the environment or other fish, so, try to avoid this ocean delicacy.
Atlantic Blue Crab Cakes

Most people love crab cakes but, as is a theme, Atlantic blue crabs are experiencing habitat loss as well as a population decline due to overfishing. So, if you can, make sure that any crab cakes that you eat are caught from sustainable farming methods, as highlighted by the Food Tank website.
American Eel Sushi

American eels are, however, under attack, due to this fusion dish and as such, they are being overfished and are also losing their habitats. So, while it may not be the first choice for a fish supper on your list, it is best to avoid the eel sushi if you can!
Beluga Sturgeon Caviar

Beluga caviar is a delicacy that most people are familiar with, However, the beluga sturgeons have been overfished for their roe (eggs) with many species of this fish now endangered. Yes, it may be upper class, but it is causing havoc for this once-common fish.
Red Snapper Tacos

Often served in Mexico, these tacos are considered delicious and tender. They also use a native fish of the Gulf of Mexico.
However, the red snapper has been overfished, and, like so many other fish on this list, it has a slow reproductive cycle, which means it is struggling to recover.
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