Remember when you were younger and you could seemingly eat whatever you wanted without issue? 

As you get older, it is a sad reality that this luxury that is for younger people no longer applies to you! There are many foods on the market that are already bad for consumption, known somewhat as junk food but, as you get older, it seems that they become even more detrimental to your health and can worsen illnesses that you may already have. As well as this, many foods you may have eaten in your youth which were deemed as OK, such as lamb and pork, suddenly become a very bad idea for a snack or meal.

So, with that in mind, what are the 18 foods that you should avoid eating as you get older? Read on to find out!

Processed Meats 

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For many people, one of the hardest things to give up as they get older are processed meats such as bacon, sausages and hot dogs. While these are delicious treats to have at the ballpark or at a picnic, they are very high in sodium as well as nitrates and preservatives, which increase the risk of heart disease and cancer more as you get older.

Refined Carbohydrates 

Editorial credit: Kritchai7752 / Shutterstock.

Then there are the refined carbohydrates, which make up the majority of most people’s meals or snacks when they are younger. These are things like white bread, pastries and of course the ever so sweet packets of cookies. However, much like the sugary beverages, these can lead to insulin resistance, as well as problems with blood sugar regulation and upping the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

Trans Fats 

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Foods that are high in trans fats, such as butter, margarine, shortening, and certain fried foods increase the bad cholesterol or LDL in the body, whilst also lowering the good cholesterol or HDL.This increases the chance of you developing heart disease, alongside not being great for your weight. 

Sugary Beverages 

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As many people get older, they may feel more tired, pushing them towards consuming sugary beverages like cola, sweet iced tea and, of course, energy drinks. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, this is not a good idea for multiple reasons. Issues with blood sugar regulation can become harder to control, meaning that if you have a diet which is full of sugary beverages, it is more likely that you will develop diabetes, as well as experience excessive weight gain and even heart disease. 

High-Sodium Foods

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There’s a somewhat sad reality that many older people feel that the only foods that they can cook, potentially due to issues such as arthritis, are frozen dinners or canned soups. However, these foods are exceedingly high in sodium or salt, which can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and also contribute negatively to high blood pressure. 

Fried Foods

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There is also then the issue of having to cut out fried foods such as fried chicken, donuts and French fries. All of these are exceedingly high and unhealthy fats and are also very high in calories, which can lead to weight gain and heart issues. It may in fact be best to opt for air fried foods as according to Web MD, these foods carry fewer health risks. 

High-Sugar Snacks 

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OK, so the bad news somewhat continues with many older people having to have a restriction on the number of high sugar snacks that they consume, which includes things such as sugary cereals, candy, chocolate and ice cream. All of these foods have been linked to dental decay, obesity, diabetes and of course, metabolic syndrome. 


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In general, the overconsumption of alcohol is something associated very much with youth, but it’s something you will definitely want to cut down as you get older. Alcohol can and will interfere with medications whilst also having a negative impact on cognitive function, as well as increasing the risk of liver and kidney disease. There have also been studies that have found that a higher intake of alcohol has been linked to higher instances of neuropsychological illnesses in later life, such as Alzheimer’s and strokes. 

Artificial Sweeteners 

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In this way you should also avoid eating too much sugar, you should also avoid consuming too many artificial sweeteners, which are found in things like diet sodas and sugar free snacks. This is not so much to do with weight gain or blood sugar issues, but rather it may disrupt your gut bacteria and thereby increase your cravings for sugary foods. 

Processed Cheese

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In general, even when you were young, you shouldn’t really have been eating too much processed cheese. This is not only something of a subcategory of food, as well as being junk food, but it is also high in both unhealthy fats and sodium, which can contribute to weight gain as well as heart disease.

Lattes and Frappuccinos

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The average latte or frappuccino that you get from your favorite coffee shop is highly likely to be loaded with additional calories and sugars, which all can contribute negatively towards weight gain and diabetes later in life. So, it may be time to switch to black coffee or cappuccinos when you go out for your coffee day with friends. Or, if you don’t mind drinking coffee at home, even opting for the coffee that comes in sachets can lower the amount of sugar that you consume via these drinks.

Red Meat 

Editorial Credit: J_K / Shutterstock

Many younger people love nothing more than eating a pork chop or a beef steak at a BBQ but as you get older, all of these foods can have a negative impact on your cholesterol levels. They are also high in saturated fats. They have even been linked to higher instances of heart disease and cancer, so it may be best to avoid them altogether if you can.

High-Fat Dairy Products 

Editorial credit: barmalini / Shutterstock.

If you are looking for a way to avoid heart disease as you get older, you should look to cut down on high fat dairy products such as butter, cream and full fat cheeses. Yes, sadly whipped cream is out too! All of these are full of saturated fats and can also contribute to a higher incidence of food allergies later in life, as well as weight gain and diabetes. 

Salty Snacks 

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So, high sugar foods have been talked about, as have high fat products. What about high salt foods? Well, generally speaking, they should be avoided too. So, if you are a fan of chips, pretzels or salted nuts, you should note that these can contribute to fluid retention as well as high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack. 

Fast Food

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Generally speaking, the majority of nutritionists will agree that fast food should be avoided all together, even if you are younger. Yes, it is cheap and tasty but it is bad for you! According to Healthline, fast food is loaded with calories, sodium and unhealthy fats, all of which can contribute negatively towards obesity and heart disease.

Energy Drinks

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As mentioned earlier, a lot of people who are older may feel more fatigue due to illness, age or even medications that they take, and it can be also tempting to indulge in the occasional energy drink. However, as you may have guessed, that’s not a good idea as these drinks are designed to increase energy levels enormously and do so via the high amount of caffeine and sugar that they contain. These can lead to heart issues as well as sleep disturbances. 

It should also be noted that if you are having issues staying awake as an older person, you should contact your doctor for a check-up, as this can point to issues with your heart or your thyroid.

Convenience Foods

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Much like fast food, convenience foods are great in a pinch but should not be consumed regularly. This group of foods includes things like microwave meals, which are very high in salt and sugar, as well as instant noodles, which, while tasty, are not great for your gut. All convenience foods contain unhealthy fats, preservatives, and will offer you minimal nutritional value, if any. 

Sugary Breakfast Cereals

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In general, as you get older, you should be consuming foods that are higher in fiber, and low in salt and sugar. Sugary breakfast cereals are the other way around, offering an instant boost of energy via the sugar, but being low in fiber. This can lead to intense blood sugar spikes and crashes and has an obvious link to the development or worsening of diabetes. 

So, if you are somebody who is over the age of 50 and is looking for a way to change their diet for the better, there are many online resources that can help you to do just that. If you have specific dietary requirements, however, or you are on certain medications, you will likely need the help of a professional nutritionist as well as a family health doctor to help you make the right choices in what you eat. Remember, that eating healthy food doesn’t have to be boring and there are many recipes out there for healthy meals that are cheap, easy to make and offer you a tonne of vitamins and other benefits.

18 Foods Most People Don’t Realize Are Healthy

Editorial credit: – Yuri A /

Some foods, such as whole milk and cheese, usually labeled as unhealthy, can be packed full of nutrients. Understanding which foods are commonly misunderstood as unhealthy can help you make the most of the essential vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients they offer. Here are 18 grocery items that people often think are unhealthy but provide great health benefits.

Read More: 18 Foods Most People Don’t Realize Are Healthy

18 Foods You Should Throw Out As Soon As They Expire

Editorial credit: DevidDo /

Getting rid of foods as soon as they expire will ensure your meals remain safe and delicious. Don’t put your health at risk; throw these 18 food items away straight after they expire.

Read More: 18 Foods You Should Throw Out As Soon As They Expire

17 Foods Permanently Removed from American Store Shelves

Editorial credit: 279photo Studio /

Safety concerns and health risks are two of the main reasons behind the banning of certain foods and ingredients, as food safety regulators sometimes deem different food products to be too dangerous. Here are 18 intriguing and often surprising foods that you won’t find on supermarket shelves in America.

Read More: 17 Foods Permanently Removed from American Store Shelves

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