What causes a food to go out of fashion? There are many things. For instance, if a celebrity endorses a certain beverage or product over another, then it’s likely that the other product will drop in sales and consumption.
As well as this, research into the health benefits of certain foods may drive the popularity of one up and push another down. Do you remember what happened with avocados? After it was found that they were high in healthy fats as well as vitamin C, they boomed in popularity.
But there is a more unnerving issue that can threaten the foods that are being produced to be consumed less, such as changing agricultural practices, a disease-impacting crops, and climate change.
So, in this article you will be walked through 18 of the most well known foods that may soon be a lot harder to get hold of in your supermarket.

The International Cocoa Organization, or ICCO, predicts that the production of chocolate is due to fall.This is due to disease, illegal gold mining on the farmland which was once used to grow cocoa trees as well as disease causing the crops to fail.
Many chocolate makers are due to see a deficit of around 500,000 tonnes, which is about a tenth of the global market, of chocolate coming in. So really sorry about that chocoholics, but pretty soon it may be very hard to get a bar of the sweet stuff!

A product that goes great with chocolate is coffee. However, in 2021 to 2022, world coffee production decreased by 1.4%, down to 168.5 million bags per year. That sounds like a lot, but it isn’t. It is thought that climate change is playing a huge role in this.
This is due to higher temperature levels, as well as droughts in the countries that produce coffee, such as Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico. Incidences of rust disease and hurricanes in these areas have also gone up by around 10%, negatively impacting crops.

It is an incredibly tragic circumstance, but bee populations across the world are dropping drastically, with the Save The Bees Foundation stating that bumblebees are struggling to find enough food and good nesting spots to survive.
Pair this with habitat loss, rising temperatures, and the use of pesticides in common gardens, and it becomes a serious issue for the environment. The end result is that as many flowers will not be pollinated and you may no longer be able to buy honey.

Bananas are a great food for snacking on throughout the day as well as adding to a bowl of porridge in the morning. However, they are dropping in their levels.
Banana plants in general are incredibly sensitive to their surroundings and with low humidity, inadequate light and temperature fluctuations which are now impacting on the majority of nations that grow banana plants.The famous yellow fruit may pretty soon.Be gone from the average fruit bowl.

Avocados are also dropping in their numbers, which means it’s a really bad time to be trying to promote avocado toast on social media!
There are multiple issues noted in the countries where avocados are grown, such as water stress and temperature stress, which are leading to this crop failing. In simple terms, there isn’t enough water and it’s too hot for these plants to grow. This is more prevalent in Mexico, which now suffers frequent droughts and water shortages and is also the world’s largest avocado growing country.
Maple Syrup

The sweet stuff that you put on your pancakes may soon cost a small fortune to buy. Warmer spring temperatures that are being felt across Canada have resulted in a reduction in maple syrup, as it is extracted from the bark of a Maple tree during cooler weather. Production of maple syrup fell 21% in 2021 and is still gradually decreasing.

In 2023, global wine production fell by 9.6%. This has been noted by grape growers in France and Spain to be due to extreme weather, slashing grape harvests across the planet. Indeed, global wine production has fallen to a 62 year low. This is due to again, lower water levels being available and excessive heat, which attracts higher levels of pests and disease to this very sensitive fruit.

According to the World Wildlife Federation, or the WWF, fish are decreasing at an alarming rate. This is due to humans having an increased demand for fish and higher subsidies for fishing fleets. This has resulted in a larger number of fishing boats chasing too few fish. It is estimated that around two-thirds of the world’s fish stocks are either fished at their limit or have been overfished.

Peanuts are also facing a bit of an issue in their production. The stocks have lowered by 0.1 billion pounds in weight in 2024, making this year the lowest year of production since 2016 to 2017.
Again, this has been due to unpredictable weather on the side of peanut farming as well as poor, if any, access to water for the farmers to keep this thirsty nut and its plant hydrated through the growing heat. So, pretty soon, your favorite bar snack may be no more or, you may have to pay a small fortune to get your hands on a bag of peanuts!

One of the main things that many people are aware of when it comes to global warming is how it can cause sea levels to rise. When it comes to rice paddies, it should be noted that rice is often grown in areas which have lower elevation, which can make them vulnerable to rising sea levels.
In short, there may actually be too much water hitting these crops, which causes the plants to drown. As well as this, sea water is high in salt, which is not ideal for growing rice.

Wheat harvests have been dropping in the last few years. This has been linked to summers being too hot and causing the earth, which wheat is grown on to be scorched, as well as these plants not being able to survive on the water that they are given.
There have also been numerous issues related to pests, attracted by the heat and a lack of pollinators being able to pollinate the flowers which wheat creates.

Remember earlier in the article when bees were mentioned? When it comes to fruit and veg, the majority of these plants require bees to pollinate the blossoms and the flowers for the fruit or the vegetables to be produced.As bee populations are dropping and temperatures are getting hotter, it is harder for thirsty trees, like apples, to grow successfully, even in cooler orchards. So, it may be time to say goodbye to the granny-smith apple.

The sweet and sometimes bitter fruit requires a combination of quite warm weather and high levels of water to grow successfully.Much as the case for apples, oranges have been harder to grow for many farmers over the last few years, due to rising temperatures and a scarcity of water. There has also been an influx of many diseases which affect this fruit, causing the production levels to shrink.

They work great as a jam in the middle of a Victoria sponge, as well as being a pretty topping. But in recent years, strawberries have succumbed to many of the issues mentioned in this article. Unfavorable weather in many parts of the UK, as well as other countries where strawberries are grown, including cold springs and late frosts, have significantly impacted the yields of strawberries.
In some regions, there have been abnormally high temperatures, which have led to excessive yields in the first round of harvests but depleted the plants for the second round, killing the plants and requiring new ones to be grown.

If you are a fan of marzipan, this is going to be very bad news for you. Almond supplies are dropping. One reasons is the unprecedented demand, as well as poor weather conditions.The majority of almonds are grown in Italy, Greece, Spain, Morocco and Tunisia, but they can be cultivated in the USA. However, due to the higher temperatures hitting the Mediterranean, the plants that grown these nuts are becoming dehydrated, and farmers are not able to give them enough water, leading to fewer almonds being grown.

The price of cherries has gone up and is thought to be due to persistent rainfall in the countries that grow this deep red fruit. In 2023 it was noted that there was the worst cherry harvest in 50 years, as farmers lost 70% of their crops due to the pre Christmas storms.

Why are potatoes failing? It is a combination of late, depp frosts which kill the plant, as well as summers being exceedingly warm, which can cause the top of the plant to wilt. Potatoes are a surprisingly thirsty vegetable to grow!

Vanilla, as it is known in the baking industry, takes years to mature and extreme weather, weak crop security and exporters hoarding inventory are causing shortages of the pleasant smelling bean. So, it may be time to say goodbye to vanilla essence in your cakes.
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